Depression is one of the most common mental problems of our time. It can strike at any stage of a person’s life. It is a word describing many different states of mind. We often use this word to describe a mood, a feeling of oppression, dejection, rejection, discouragement, etc. Often, when we are disappointed in ourselves or have not been treated as we expected to be, we may describe our emotions as ‘depressed’. It can also be defined as a mood of hopelessness, or inadequacy, often with physical symptoms. It is a strange kind of gloom that settles over us and affects every aspect of our lives.
- Introduction
- Definitions
- What are the Consequences of Depression
- The Bible and Depression
- Depression can Present Itself on Three Different Levels or Intensities
- Types of Depression
- Causes of Depression
- Depression Affects the Total Person
- Treatment of Depression
- An Overview of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
- Directives for the Counsellor to Follow
- Homework for Depression
- Depression in Children and Young People
- The Influence of Depression on Marriage
- What is Depression?
- Understanding Depression
- Depression and the Family
- Understanding and Treatment
- Depression in Women
- Questions and Answers about Depression
- Men and Depression
- Summary: Depression Affects the Whole Person
- Summary: Tips for Recovery
36 pages
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